Friday, March 22, 2019

little thought's

                             Little thoughts

   Good evening readers. 

My hope is that you are all having a wonderful evening. Currently I am listening to some music, and my little one is in bed.  Just wanted to write down some of my thoughts. (I do this often to clear my mind)).  I may not post this I just never know if I will. Because of this I start all of my thought pages as if I am going to post it). I know! why would someone tell you all of this? I tell you because my thoughts are usually very disorganized. Just wanted to clear that up before I start.
I was just distracted. Alyssa woke up in need of a baba (bottle). She’s still working on using a sippy throughout the day. I didn’t want to put too much stress on her with adding night time. Speaking of my daughter. I have bee reading up on different (proper) approaches to better handle tantrums. Yep that has started.
A song Has just come on and caught my attention (Ill mind of Hopsin 7). I recommend giving it a listen. (I have always told everyone. I like a lot of different music). “Music is something that helps heal the soul, and to help figure out someone’s feelings).
Some nights seem to go on forever. (Tonight, is not one of them).  I have insomnia. There are a lot of night’s I don’t get much sleep. That is something that not many people know about me.  Back to what I was saying though… Some nights really do seem to go on forever. Tossing and turning is not something I would classify as fun. Even though it sucks most of the time I get some sleep (even if it isn’t much). When I wake up in the morning, I am usually just happy I got some sleep. I don’t really know why I’m thinking about this right now.
New topic.
Sorry I just had to take a minute to appreciate how together my thoughts are tonight. Honestly it doesn’t go this well any other time. I have also been trying to work on this. Seems to be working a little bit. I say this to myself, but I am sure you all disagree.  It’ll be ok.
It is crazy windy outside.   I hope we get a thunder storm tonight. I enjoy storms. They are loud, but I find them calming.  T he best part of a good thunder storm is the lightning. I love how it dances across the sky. Cracks of thunder following it as it travels to the earth.  
I find it funny how things change. How we as people change. We all go through our own struggles. These struggles are what make us into the person we are supposed to be. I like who I have become. I am truly happy with my life. This is the first time in my life I have ever been truly happy. This is also the first time I have found peace. I don’t mean quiet. I mean calmness of the soul. Those who know me know some of the struggles I have faced in my life. There were a lot of obstacles to get past, But I have gotten past each and everyone of them. I have been feeling this way for a couple of months now. It amazes me how much life changes. The reason I find it funny is because, I still have so many years to come. (Anything could happen. right)?  When I was younger when I thought about my future, I could never imagine one. Now I know I have a bright future ahead of me, and so does my family.  
Ok let’s bring this thought process to a conclusion. My mind is clear, and my heart is happy.
I truly hope you all have a wonderful night. Sleep well, and have the best of dreams. 
Be well, Be happy, and Enjoy life -Kandi

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