Friday, March 8, 2019


Hello, and welcome to kandi's world.
 here I will write about a verity of things from everyday life to giving my opinion on topics.

a little about me. I am a stay at home mom to a toddler she is my everything. I am married to a wonderful man. I enjoy many things (as most do). I love to play video games though I am  not the  greatest or up to date on games. I enjoy the outdoors. when the weather permits my family and I enjoy walking through the woods, camping, fishing, and other outdoor activities. I love music of many varieties, to me music is a way of expression.i am a spiritual person.  this is just a little bit about me. if you have questions feel free to leave me a comment and I will reply as soon as possible.
  on the topic of comments please be considerate of me and of others.  comments, questions, and feedback are all greatly appreciated.
 be well, be happy, enjoy life. -kandi

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